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6. Google Handmade Beauty Soaps with Brazilian Ingredients

  African  Grapefruit Citrus Soap  with Natural Clay Handmade With Brazilian Red Clay Mango and Tangerine Butter. South African  grapefruits are in season from  May to September  and provide a range of health benefits including being an excellent source of vitamin C and rich in antioxidants that benefit the skin.  Brazilian Clay  helps improve circulation, gently exfoliates, cleanses, detoxifies, and minimizes pores, without drying the skin. Brazilian Oil Bar Soap with Rainforest Oils and Acai Berry Butter Brazil oils and butter in this soap are wild harvested, grown naturally in the Brazilian Amazon ‘RAINFOREST’ without any pesticides, they are fair traded and sustainable resources. Brazilian Copaiba Soap with Acai Berry Butter Copaiba is the secret of Brazilians for beautiful young and healthy skin. Copaiba is an all-natural, gentle ingredient, it should be suitable for all skin types Brazilian Espresso Natural Bar Soap Brazilian coffee contains enzymes that detoxify, cleanse, and he

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